Mount Rungwe Forest Nature Reserve is a third highest Mountain in Tanzania with Volcanic features visible with an open eye located in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Its height is 2981 Meters
Hiking Rungwe Mountain is the best due to:
o Cool weather from the forests
o The mountain forest has a specie of Monkey know as Kipunji only found in Rungwe Mountain Forest Reserve
o Waterfalls and rivers
o Rungwe is a Volcanic Mountain. It’s a non-active Volcanic mountain and thus it has visible features such as a caldera
Mount Rungwe Nature Forest Can be Accessible through the Road which is 40km from Mbeya to Mount Rungwe and 830km From Dar Es Salaam to Mount Rungwe.
Our Pricing
Our Pricing is based on a minimum number of people 2 people and a maximum of two
It’s a 2dayand 1 Nite 420USD
Cost inclusive of:
o Transportation Cost (go and return cost from Pride Lands Safari Office @ DM Motel and Return)
o Accommodation Cost
o Entrance Fee Cost
o Meal Cost
o Soft Drinks Cost (Water)
o Guiding Fee Cost
o Water
o Glucose
o Biscuit